Beyond Success

Success is a seperating concept.

It requires comparison, in order to exist.

Succeeding breeds pride and congratulation; failing breeds pity, self-doubt. Both express separation; the illusion of a “me” that thinks, does, says and takes credit.

If you come first in a race, are “you” “a success”, or was a specific point run past before another?

What does running past a point before another “mean” or “say” about who you are?

Nothing. It is what it is.

“Well done, congratulations, you’re amazing”; expressions alluding to success.

“You’ll get it next time, that’s a shame, something better is around the corner”; expressions alluding to failure.

Success and failure is noisy.

Presence needs make no sound.

Presence cares not if it runs past a line before another, for a sense of self is not found or lost in the doing or not doing of it.

Presence is aware of pure experience; the moving of legs, the feeling of wind whipping cheeks, the smile that arises as it moves with another. The notion of success, failure and taking credit is wholly uninteresting in this free-flowing, joyful state.

Why compete when there is the option to connect?




Patience vs Presence